"Your entire life can really change in a year. You just have to love yourself enough to know you deserve better, be brave enough to demand more, and be disciplined enough to actually work for more."
Hi I'm Bri! I'm passionate about helping guide you towards the healthiest version of yourself through mindset, exercise, nutrition, and habitual coaching! I’m a personal trainer who specifies your workouts to YOU, your lifestyle, your health conditions, and your goals!
I’m a self-made personal trainer who has worked SO incredibly hard to get to where I am today. Everything from my education, to my certifications, to my business, and everything I have, I have done myself and that is something I’m very proud of.
A little bit about me I’ve been personal training clients for over 5 years now! I have a bachelors degree in kinesiology exercise science and am certified in flexibility and stretching with plans to become a DPT, Doctor of Physical Therapy, in the future. I plan to work with disabled veterans and service members, as it is my greatest passion. I come from a military family who have served for generations. In addition to being a military spouse myself, my husband who is currently serving and I’m incredibly proud of!
I love functional movement like weightlifting, yoga, pilates, hiking, walks on the beach, etc. I'm also adventurous and love experiencing new things and traveling! Which is just a start to my knowledge I can use to help you!
My fitness journey started from a very young age when we found out I had an autoimmune, neuromuscular, neurological and chronic conditions in which made it more difficult for me to maintain muscle, fat, and proper levels throughout my body. In addition to a hormonal disorder, endometriosis, which unfortunately is still misunderstood and with limited knowledge of in the health community today.
Therefore, quite a few years ago I ended up getting extremely sick, my immune system wasn’t functioning properly and my body wasn’t processing food like it should. It’s the closest I’ve ever been to what felt and seemed like death. My body was also in so much unbearable pain and I was constantly tired. I became so weak I couldn’t even lift my own body weight up most of the time. I felt so hopeless and lost. Like a shell of myself just going “through the motions” in life. Telling myself I wanted more out of life. And asking myself how was I going to make that happen. Being so young and coming from a small town, there weren’t the resources available to me that I needed, I had no idea what to do, how to get help, and I didn’t know anyone who understood. But I knew there was more to life than just four hospitals walls.
I knew I had to do something. I was determined to. That all of my health complications wouldn’t be “my story” instead it would be my inspiration. Today I want to make sure I’m that person I need when I was young and unsure where to start for anyone at any stage of their journey!
Fitness has literally saved my life and has helped to regulate my entire overall health so much better!
In addition to all my health complications during this time, I was in an extremely unhealthy relationship where I experienced a lot of trauma, I lost my self identity, confidence, and worth as a person altogether. I finally decided to cut off all ties and figure out who I was as a person and not who someone wanted me to be/conform to.
Fast forward to today, I’m married to the love of my life (and a hunky Marine lol) who loves exactly who I am and never try’s to force me to be something I’m not. Who supports my goals, career, and dreams. Who encourages me to be my best, holds me accountable, and is my #1 fan and my very best friend.
Once I started taking control of my own life and putting the effort and hard work in with my health and how I wanted my future to look, you notice everything starts to fall into place. Your mindset, the future you’re creating for yourself, the accomplishments you are working towards, etc.
I encourage you to ask yourself, what you want more out of this life? The only life we have. And how you’re going to take action to make this a reality for yourself? Who’s to tell you that you can’t have all you’ve wanted in life?
I know exactly what it feels like to have all the odds against you and like you're starting from square one and that’s okay! It’s important to me to help others create a healthy lifestyle despite one's health conditions. I can’t wait to help you become your strongest and healthiest self!
Thank you for letting me share just some of the ways that I’m incredibly passionate about what I do!
One of my favorite quotes:
“You don’t need to be cured to beat chronic illness. You beat chronic illness by the way you live despite your illness.”
That has always stuck with me and is how I choose to live my life every single day.